Kemono Jihen is a popular anime and manga series about the battle between humans and creatures known as “kemonos.” The first season of the anime aired in January 2021 and covered 21 chapters of the manga. The series is produced by Frontier Works, Lantis, Shueisha, Yomiuri TV Enterprise, Bandai Namco Arts, and JTB Next Creation, and authorised by Funimation with animation by Studio Ajia-do. The manga was penned by Sho Aimoto and the first publisher of the show in December 2016 is Shueisha.
While there is no official announcement for Kemono Jihen Season 2, fans are eagerly waiting for its release. With over 250,000 viewers following the show, it’s likely that there will be a second season. The manga has 55 chapters at present, so there is plenty of material available for a new season.
The show follows the journey of a Tokyo occult specialist named Inugami and a young boy named Kabane as they solve mysteries in a village and later in Tokyo. Inugami helps Kabane discover his guardian and uncover the riddle encompassing the rock in his own possession. Along the way, Kabane meets new companions like Shiki, Mihai-san, Akira, Nobimaru, and Kon.
The next season might lead to Kabane’s reunion with his loved ones and the resolution of the issues from the 1st season, such as the retrieval of the null stone and the lifestone, and the meaning behind the “Kemono Jihen” battle.
It’s possible that new characters may be introduced in the second season of Kemono Jihen, such as the young princess Iyo Yashima, who may fight for Kabane’s attention. The final episode of the 1st season left many questions unanswered, including the fate of the crucial rock and the relationship between Inugami and Kabane as they embark on a new adventure.
Kemono Jihen is a unique and captivating anime series that has captured the hearts of many viewers. Fans are eagerly waiting for Kemono Jihen Season 2 and the resolution of the mysteries from the first season. While the release date for the second season is yet to be announced, fans can anticipate a new season in the future. Keep on visiting us to know more about the latest updates about the release of Kemono Jihen.
With the success of the first season, it isn’t even a question that the show will come back with a second season. However, there are no reports about the official release date of the show yet. So, we’d have to wait things out at this point.
The premise of Kemono Jihen doesn’t emphasize a romantic association. However, the good thing about the show is the variance. However, the scene where Kabane agreed to be Aya’s boyfriend came as a surprise to the fans, especially because of how aloof Kabane was towards Aya.
If you are starting to watch Kemono Jihen and have been wondering who the main hero of the show is, it is Kabane Kusaka. His character was portrayed as half human and half ghoul, adding a sense of fun and intrigue to the show.
With the light blue colored hair and eyes that Akira had, people often mistake him for a girl, which isn’t the case at all. Instead, he is a young boy who seems to have a few feminine features. Even Kabane mistakes him for a girl when they first cross paths.
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