Christmas Menu Design Tips

Christmas Menu Design Tips

What comes to your mind when you think about Christmas? Presents, decorations, celebration, cheers, laughter, and delicious meals! And what is Christmas without the perfect Christmas dinner, right? 

The countdown to Christmas is the perfect time to create festive cheer by launching a Christmas special menu. You will need some amazing Christmas menu design tips to design something beautifully eye-catching. This article covers it all. 

Give it a read to find out the best Christmas menu design tips for your restaurant. 

Best Christmas Menu Design Tips 

Designing a Christmas menu that stands out from the crowd may be challenging for restaurant businesses, but it is important. Here are some simple yet effective Christmas Menu Design Tips to help you.

Create an Attractive Layout

An appealing layout, especially for digital menus, is important to grab customers’ attention. Since Christmas is a time for giving, you can design your menu using a Christmas-special free menu template!

An attractive menu layout does mean not only the design and colour scheme but also the menu’s contents. Keep the menu easy to read for the customers. Do not add too many dishes or too much detail. Keep it simple, organised, and appealing. 

Pro tip: categorising menu items helps organise them better and gives a cleaner menu look. 

Choose Creative Fonts

If you want to create an eye-catching menu, you must choose fonts wisely. Consider Christmas fonts to give off the perfect vibes. You can choose different fonts for the different parts of the menu to make it more enticing. 

You may use fancy fonts for headers but keep the font for the names and descriptions of the dishes easy to read. Choose the font size wisely such that it is not too big to overpower the menu design or too small, making it difficult to read for the customers. 

Match your Brand’s Image

One of the most important Christmas menu design tips is to match the menu with your brand image. Although the menu is Christmas themed, it must still represent you as a brand. For instance, if you have a unique organisation style or font selection, you may keep it the same while applying the Christmas theme. 

Use Christmas Characters

When designing your menu around Christmas, why not add Christmas characters to it? Santa Claus describing the menu or the reindeer cart carrying the names of the desserts would be enticing for the people. 

Use Christmas characters and symbols like snowflakes, candy canes, gift boxes, and, of course, a Christmas tree to design the menu. 

Try Using Illustrations

Visuals can grab your customers’ attention and help them decide what to order. Your regular menu may have original pictures of the dishes, but for your Christmas menu, try using illustrations. They are eye-catching and add personality to your words. 

You can convey your message and Christmas celebration mood better with the help of illustrations. They will also draw the children’s attention who are not usually interested in menus.  

Update the Shape

Since you are experimenting with new things this Christmas, why not adapt to a new menu shape? Choose a modish and elegant shape for your online and offline menu. You can find some really good options in a free menu maker

Choose a tri-folded or sleek flyer-like menu shape if your regular menu is the classic half-folded one. Be creative and bring some variation to the shape and design to make the customers notice it.

Include Christmas Food Items

 Designing a Christmas menu is not only about the theme, layout and fonts, but the content of the menu must also be designed around the event. Include the popular Christmas food items in your menu, keeping your budget and the cooking staff’s expertise in mind.  

Offer Christmas Deals

There needs to be more than just designing a visually attractive menu for a restaurant. Customers would be eagerly looking for some special treats for Christmas. Offer your customers special discounts, two-for-one meals, or three-course meal promotions. 

You may also announce a lucky draw or coupons for customers who dine in your restaurant during Christmas festivities. Don’t forget to mention it on your digital menu for the audience reading your menu online. 


Use these Christmas menu design tips to design an amazing menu. Give your customers a memorable holiday experience by adding to their joy with your attractive Christmas menu. Consider all the important details, and don’t forget to add your brand’s unique touch to the menu.  

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I make my menu attractive?

You can make your menu attractive by designing it according to your customers’ needs. Include every detail your customer wants to see in a menu and keep it simple and easy to read. Choose the colours, graphics, and fonts wisely. 

How do you design a Christmas menu?

You can design a Christmas menu by categorising menu items and writing their descriptions. Choose a theme and font and include the written details. Add photos and offer some special Christmas deals on your menu. 

What are the most popular Christmas dinner items?

The most popular Christmas dinner items include Turkey, roast potatoes, ham, gravy, pigs in blankets, and roast beef.